Sunday, June 23, 2013

Team Beachbody Coach ... what what what?

So the other day I decided to become a Team Beachbody "Coach". This after 3 years of doing their workouts and buying their products. Why did I decide to do this now? Read on.

When I first started doing Beachbody workouts, many people approached me about "coaching". I kept declining. I didn't fell right about calling myself a coach having not even done one day, let alone 90 days, of a full program. I mean how can I coach someone on the programs or the supplements if I had never done them or taken them.

For those of you not in the know, a Team Beachbody Coach is a spokesperson for their products. We talk to people about getting healthy and in the "best shape of their lives" (which is true btw) and get credit for selling the products. I could not do that with a clear conscience without first using their products and seeing for myself if I liked them.

3 years later I can say, with a clear conscience and mind that yes, I do.

Since Starting P90X in 2010 I have done multiple rounds of that program. I have done a few rounds of Asylum 1 and 2, have completed P90X2 and am about to do Hip Hop Abs (for fun) and will order Shaun T's new workout "Focus T25" which is a 10 week program consisting of a 5 day a week workout 25 minutes a day. NO BREAKS JUST SWEAT!

If you are interested in having me as a coach, please contact Coach Relations at (800) 240-0913 or at Tell them you'd like to add me. My email address is

If you do change me to your coach, I will be active with you and talk to you about your fitness goals. I am not just here to make money off of you. I am on facebook as well ... different email address though,

Add me there  and that is where all my fitness posts will be.

Remember, press play every day, eat right and DRINK YOUR WATER

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