Friday, July 5, 2013

Focus T25 Days 2, 3 and 4

Sorry folks, I have been remiss in writing about Focus T25 as it's been a tad crazy in the house and the BF has been over. I wanted to take some time this morning before doing my DAY 5 DOUBLES (Lower Focus and Cardio) to recap the last 3 days of the program.

Day 2 was Speed 1.0. and it started out slowly but quickly moved into intensity. This program is based on progressions ... easy, medium, hard ... and then he does what's called "burn out" which is the advanced move from each progression in a balls to the wall give it all you got set. I liked this workout a lot and was DRIPPING sweat after doing it (you will notice a trend here).

Day 3 gave us Total Body Circuit ... which was a lot of push up moves. Frankly I had to follow Tania (the modifier) for a lot of these moves but I tried to do at least 2 of each without modifying. I am not beating myself up though as I realize this is only week 1 in a 10 week (initial) program and I have time to improve. My thoughts on improvement personally are this: If I can do 1 more move or 1 more set without stopping or modifying I am improving. It's all about getting strong and making changes. Changes don't come over night.

Day 4 ... Ab Intervals. This is an ab workout that will leave you in a puddle of sweat. He takes us through plank moves and pike ups (progression) as well as V Holds and an entire "superman" set ... I hate Supermans and have tended to skip them in the past. Not this time. He does 4 (or maybe 5) moves in the superman pose so there's no skipping it this time. The back is a major core muscle and he works it ... your back will help you get those abs you want so I pushed through. There was sprinting as well ...

Today is Day 5 and it's a doubles day. I have today off from work and COULD break up the workouts into two different times in the day but I am not going to. I am going to do them back to back as that is how I will have to do them on a normal work day after work. I suspect that I will burn close to 500 calories doing these two workouts together. Next week I am going to go for runs before my workouts (except doubles day) and will be burning more calories.

I am going to point out however that this workout isn't about burning calories it's about FOCUS on your muscle groups that you are working which is why they have written the nutrition guide the way they have. As always, if you have any questions feel free to Contact Me and fill in the form I will email you back right away.

I also wanted to note to you that you can buy a Challenge Pack through me and in the month of July it's only $ 180.00 (a $ 90 savings) but prices go up in August so contact me to find out how (for some reason Challenge Packs aren't loading but I can get you set up).

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